Code Green - editorial cartoons about the environmental emergency
Code Green - editorial cartoons about the environmental emergency
Code Green - editorial cartoons about the environmental emergency
Code Green - editorial cartoons about the environmental emergency
Code Green - editorial cartoons about the environmental emergency

Code Green - editorial cartoons about the environmental emergency

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156 pages, full color

$27.95 $23

Addresses serious issues with humor and wit, and the illustrations are fantastic.” – Amazon customer

“Code Green” is the award-winning editorial cartoon about the global environmental emergency, by Stephanie McMillan. During its 3-year run, it was the only editorial cartoon in the US devoted solely to ecological issues. Topics include pipelines, oil spills, radiation, pollution, species extinction, and global warming. The individual cartoons have been reprinted in hundreds of venues worldwide; this is the complete collection all in one place.

Also available as a free PDF.

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